Java Web Services Implementation using Eclipse 3.1.1 WTP
Finally, I have succesfully implement Java Web Services using Eclipse 3.1.1 WTP. The tools can be downloaded from here.The one I used is WTP 1.0. My suggestion is download the "all in one" package. It includes the Eclipse SDK as well. About the tutorial, you can see them on this link. Just follow the instructions and you can make your own java web services. For your information, the WTP needs Apache Tomcat installed on your machine. I use Apache Tomcat 5.5.9 which can be downloaded here.
I have also succesfully consume the web services using a .NET program. Now, the main problem is it's a little bit weird that I have to turn on the Apache Tomcat from Eclipse IDE to enable the web services. Probably, it's just a matter of virtual directory settings, I haven't try to fix this problem. If you have any idea, don't be hesitate to contact me.
OK, during the rest of this week, I'll try to finish the chapter 2 of my final project document. If it is possible I'll try the java web services implementation using different IDEs or may be using no IDE at all :D I'll post the result about it.
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